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How to promote Facebook local business page through your website, blog

Written By Unknown on Sep 21, 2012 | 5:36 AM

Most of the time your customers don't search for your Facebook business page on Facebook. Generally when customers see a link to your Facebook page, they become Facebook followers of your business page. It's important for you to make an opportunity for customers to your Facebook page whenever they may interact with you through Social Media Facebook as a platform.

SKS Technologies try to discuss step by step promoting social media marketing for small business. Today, we are writing how to promote a Facebook business page through your blog or website.

Promote Facebook Business Page

There are a few ways for your facebook business page promotion. But, the most common way is to subscribe a Facebook button on your website/blog/newsletter which links to your Facebook business page. You’ve probably seen spiffy-looking customized Facebook logos around the different website.

Facebook doesn’t allow these customized Facebook logos. You can see below screenshot, which is from Facebook’s Logos& Trademarks page, displayed under the header ” ‘f’ logo” and the subhead “Usage.” It indicates that which usages are allowed and which aren’t. Under the next subhead “Downloads,” there are few official Facebook buttons which you can use in a variety of formats.

Most of business page owner prefer Facebook buttons with instructions, such as the one above, which says, “Find us on Facebook,” because somebody may knows how to add with this page, it indicates directly to take the action.  Most QR code expert said that people are more likely to scan a QR code if instructions accompany the code.

When you place your button “above the fold,” always remember it makes the button visible when someone first see your buttons whatever medium you’re using to attract them. Please don’t make them scroll down to see it. It would be difficult to see for them. You can find, here’s an example from our blog.

Placing facebook icon on your website or blog

Whatever you choose as buttons, always remember try to place it on all pages of your site or blog — not just only the home page. You may know that visitors don’t always enter your site through your home page. If someone comes to your links with a different page or a specific blog post, new viewers may see your site or blog for the first time through that link. If somehow, they don’t see any button which linked with your Facebook business page, then they won’t like your page, and that’s a missed opportunity to grab your audiences to social media Facebook as an effective platform.

Another useful option is a Facebook plugin which linked with your Facebook business page; it serves the same purpose as a button but highlights what’s happening on your Facebook business page right this moment. Some experts say plug-ins are most effective than Likes icons. Keep in your mind that plugins require a little more technical trick than buttons.

You can use two different plugins. On is Bridal Banter wedding blog, another is Facepile plugin, which displays the viewer’s friends who follow your Facebook page if that viewer is logged into Facebook at the time.

On the other hand, when you promote your website you use the
Activity Feed plugin, which displays our latest update.

You can find more options under Facebook’s Developers Social Plugins. Let’s say an example: Be sure to follow our Marketing Matters Facebook page. In this way you can interact with your audience through social media Facebook as a wonderful platform.

Social Media Marketing For Small Business Used By More Than 90%

Written By Unknown on Sep 18, 2012 | 6:19 PM

Social media marketing for small business used by more than 90%

According to StarControl, “90% of American small business owners increasingly marketing their businesses online through social networking.”

A survey was conducted by 5StarControl to know the outcome of how many American small business owners use "social media" marketing for small business tool. It’s more than 9 out of 10 small business owners involving with this.

5StarControl- a Reputation Management Site announced that small businesses are going to increase now that over 90% of small business owners in America. LA Times reported that small business owners are performing with customers through Facebook and FourSquare, according to a new survey by small business forum Manta.

Forum is the world’s largest online community for small businesses. Most of the small business owners visit Manta daily in order to counterfeit connections with other businesses or other business owners, and take the opportunity to communicate with various markets online. It is reputed forum for having a huge directory of small businesses in the United States and around the world. They recently conducted a survey of 600 members. After the research it find that more than 90% small business owners are using social networks for their businesses. Moreover, over three out of four respondents said that social networking is now more important for them than traditional networks.

Social Media giant in the social network market, California-based Facebook claims that it has around 955 million active users worldwide. It is started by Mark Zuckerberg in his Harvard dorm in 2004. Today, Facebook has become a household name and pioneer in the social networking industry. By Facebook, anyone can review personal profile; can share comments, photos, and videos, and link to their friends. Facebook develops business pages for who perform with social media marketing for small business with others & stay connected with their delegates.

 FourSquare- a primarily mobile-based portal where users can “check-in” when they visit different businesses and locations. That the way to connect with their friends and contacts know where they are, and can engage with them through the site. It has more than 20 million users and over 2 billion total check-ins. It has grown rapidly since its launch in 2009. Those who are doing Small businesses, they must use online marketing tools. FourSquare is offering special discounts to users who check in with them. 5StarControl advises its readers to check out social marketing strategies through media expert Frank Kern for getting useful information. 

The results of the study show that "social media" marketing for small business are getting involved with online to promote their businesses. They understand that to use Social Media Platform of their potential customers online. It is easy to say that small business owners simply cannot afford to ignore the world of online placement and marketing. This trend should continue for those who have small business. You can increase your popularity & Brand perception with the help of social networking and online review websites.

Amazing video hits on YouTube

Written By Unknown on Sep 15, 2012 | 9:29 PM

According to YouTube's trends manager, Kevin Allocca,  an astronomical rise of PSY's South Korean pop hit "Gangnam Style” & "Call Me" video which are more remarkable seen by the YouTube users of this summer. 

If this trend continues, it looks like "Gangnam" might catch up huge Rap song lovers. It makes explosive spread of "Gangnam" (now played 6 millions times a day). On the other hand "Call Me" (a consistent 1.5 million views a day) is seen by YouTube users. What’s the reason behind this?

The reason is that "Gingham’ appeal is more global & acceptable by the users.  Most of the Canadian and American audiences seen Korean techno and absurd dance video. It might be a more universally appealing language. 

On the other hand, Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe” fan videos generally focus on lip-synching along, which less fun for non-English is speaking fans. As YouTube's global audience is growing continuously, U.S. viewers can probably look forward to more mystifying and delightful foreign pop imports.

This two video are currently topping YouTube's most viewed music videos (this week). If you look YouTube's chart, one can see that while "Call Me" amassed a staggering 250 million views since it went live on March 1, 2012. "Gangnam" has 150 million views -- since July 15,212

Twitter Retweet| A way to get more traffic!!

Written By Unknown on Sep 8, 2012 | 5:42 PM

Search engine optimization is a quality task which requires a lot of time and effort in order to get success. It could be one of the best tricks that website owners can use these days is the social media network known as Twitter. Retweeting may help to generate more traffic for your website; it also helps to improve your website’s ranking as well. For the starters, you should ensure your tweets, as like of your web content, which should be more relevant and meaningful. Keep your Tweet  Short ,which will help to add an impression to your tweet and increase the twitter users who are clicking on your link.

SEO is a quality task which requires a lot of time and effort in order to get success. Although, search engine optimization is responsible for increasing most of the websites traffic, it is proper to use every trick for website promotion but have to do carefully. It could be one of the best tricks that website owners can use these days is the social media network known as Twitter.

I think I don’t need to go into much detail – we know Twitter is a social media network where individuals post their short messages, which can be viewed by all their followers as well. Tweeting is already considered a great internet marketing and SEO strategy in its Social media platform. One can use a tweet to build a backlink to their site. A backlink is an SEO strategy which confirmed that as many other websites outside are talking about your website. As a result, the importance of your website is increased day by day, and this will ensure that search engines results on your page.

If you Post meaningful tweets that give specific details about your products or services, and then posting a back link to your website can help you to generate a huge traffic to your website. Though, other Search Engine Optimization strategies get simpler & easy to do. If your posts are attractive, interesting and meaningful, your followers may retweet your post. The Term Retweeting involves taking somebody’s tweet and re-posting it on your own page as well as it goes to Home page so that your followers can view it. If a post is retweeted, a link of your website is distributed to lot of people you do not know and this can be considered as a viral marketing within your own network. If one person likes your article when you posted it with a link, they easily accessed through a link on your tweet, they may talking about your website to other people who can visit your website.

ReTweets are considered a ‘Vote’ for your content 

Retweeting may help to generate more traffic for your website; it also helps to improve your website’s ranking as well. We all know search engines love backlinks and the crawlers will always crawkes on your website and rank it highly because of the many one-way inbound links. Even for the case of Twitter, where the link is ‘nofollow’. Google still count at each ReTweet as a ‘vote’ for a content. A lot of retweets can boost you up the Search Engine Rankings. Therefore, an SEO strategy, you should make as many retweets as possible as you can.

Make Post Relevant Content for the Right Audience 

For the starters, you should ensure your tweets, as like of your web content, which should be more relevant and meaningful. If you would like to generate relevant traffic that will ultimately result if your content are clear to your readers. As a result, people must read your tweet and like to retweets what it says. Your tendency would have to encourage them to click on the URL so that they can find something even more useful information in your own website. Once they like your tweet and your website, they will share the information with their friends and followers too.

Keep your Tweet Short 

You must make your tweet meaningful & clear meaning. That’s why your Tweets would be very short, which might create an impression to the readers. Therefore, you should be very creative in writing your twitter which captures the attention of the reader immediately as meaningful. This is the only way rather than others way, you will easily manage to convince them to access your website through your link.

Before writing your Tweet, be ensured that your tweet is clear to give people an idea of what they are clicking on it. This will be the key of your impression to your tweet and increase the twitter users who are clicking on your link. Another very important tip to you that social media involves a lot of people, in order to get people to retweet your post or to click your link; you have to interact with them by participating conversations. This will not only help you to generate huge traffic to your website, but also will help you to build a solid own impression on Twitter platform that will be able to view your future post.

We all know, Social media is a great marketing tool which can result a lot of value if used Search Engine Optimization as a marketing tool. Most of the SEO companies have realized that Twitter is a cash cow, and they have come out to optimize it as much as they can. Those companies offer retweeting services to their clients in order to increase as many backlinks as possible through twitter. However, it is more important to know that if the link is not relevant article & your website does not have relevant content, the retweet will not be helpful to you. Therefore, you should use this little bird to sing praises about your website to ensure the traffic increase to your website.

What is your opinion about this article? Share with us in comment.

How to protect your account from hackers?

Written By Unknown on Sep 7, 2012 | 5:56 PM

protect account from hackers

Your Clever Password Tricks Aren’t Protecting You from Today’s Hackers.

Nowadays the password Security cracks too often, you may probably hear about password hacking and so all the ways you should strengthen your accounts as much as you can. Even you hear though, unfortunately, today's password-cracking tools are more advanced & able to find out your tricky password. Here is what's changed and what you should do about your password.

Background: Passwords Are Easier To Crack Than Ever


Our passwords are too less secure than they were just a few years back, thanks to password crackers who use faster hardware and new techniques to catch up password. This website Ars Technica explains that their inexpensive graphics processors enable to track password by using password-cracking programs & can track billions of password combinations in just a second. Few years ago this process would take too many day to crack, but now may take only few days.

The entire common password we used it helps hackers to identify the password patterns when we creating passwords. Most of the hacker can now use rules and algorithms calculation to crack passwords more quickly than they could through simple common password attacks.

Let’s say an example, you can take the password like "Sup3rThinkers"—this password would pass most password strength tests because of its 13-character length and use of mixed of capital & small letter and a number. This web site How Secure Is My Password? estimates that it would take about a million years to crack by using desktop computer, with a 4 billion calculations-per-second basis. But, it would take a hacker just a couple of months now.

Another example, such as "mustacheehcatsum" (that is "mustache" spelled forward and then backward) may give you  strong security, but they're easily cracked by having the same characters of password.

Redman- a security penetration tester who crack "Sup3rThinkers", he employed the rule that directed his software try not to use word like "super" but use these word like "Super", "sup3r", "Sup3r", "super!!!" and similar modifications. It then tried each of those words in combination with different patterns like “thinkers", "Thinkers", "think3rs", and "Think3rs".

In other words, it is to be said that hackers are totally on to us!
Now what can you do? There is no other way except strengthening Your Passwords by Making Them Unique and Completely Unpredictable.
We recommend you from our experience, but in light of the faster and newer cracking ways out, these are worth reviewing.

1.  Always Avoid Easiest Password Formulas 

Here the biggest problem is, we are all filling our passwords the same way (in here some companies limit the password length and ask to require certain types of characters as well). When companies ask to use mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols, most of us exactly follow below patterns:
  • We use a name, place, or common word as password, e.g., "zibooz" (Women tend to use their personal names and men tend to use their favorite hobbies)
  • Sometimes we capitalize the first letter: "Zibooz"
  • Sometimes we add a number, most likely 1 or 7, at the end of our password: "zibooz1" or “Zibooz7”.
  • Sometimes we add one of the most common symbols like (~,!, @, #, $, %, &,?) at the end of our password: "ziboz@" or “Zibooz!!”.
Not only these patterns are obvious to professional password, but also you use with substituting vowels for numbers ("Zibooz7!") or adding  another word ("Zib00z1!") wouldn't help you much as you think about your password, since hackers are using the patterns against our preference and adding words from the master crack lists together.
Other clever & complicate techniques, such as shifting keys to the right or left  or using other keyboard patterns are also now cracked up by hackers hacking tools. According to a commenter, who wrote in the Ars Technica article that hackers use keyword walk generators to match millions of keyboard patterns.
The solution: Please don't do that, what everyone else is doing. Just avoid the patterns above & remember the basics: don't use a single word from dictionary, names, or dates in your password; you can use a mix of both character types (including spaces or caps locks); and try to make your passwords as long as possible. If you have a suggestion for how you create memorable passwords, it's only secure if no one else is following that suggestion.  You can check out IT security pro Mark Burnett's collection of the top 10,000 most common passwords, which he says represents 99.8% of all user passwords from leaked databases, or this list of 500 most common passwords in one page.

2. Can use Random Passwords

You can use multiple uncommon words for your strong & long password. With using a passphrase is more secure and more memorable than complicated but shorter passwords, as web comic Xkcd pointed last year. Longer but simpler passwords are more complex—but only if the words you use are truly random as well. If you're using a common quote as your password or saying for your passphrase, you're a target, because hackers' have dictionaries which include common quotes, phrases, titles, and lyrics and they can easily imply rules to use just using the first letter of each word or other similar pattern. "To be or not to be" and "2b30rn0t2b3" and "tbontb" might take just seconds to crack by using fast algorithms, so have to make your passphrase truly unique and random. (The Xkcd password generator can pick four random words for you).

You can use a password generator and manager. While the passphrase approach might work well , and your computer login or the few cases you need to remember your password, this is the best option is to generate a truly random, long, and complex password. It is hard to crack password by the hackers because of it patterns and word lists. Here are some website like LastPass, KeePass, or 1Password , who can generate a random password for your preference. You can see this article for better understanding how to build a nearly hack-proof password system with LastPass as well as detailed instructions. Always, remember that the only secure password is the one you can't remember

3. Always try to use a Unique Password for Each Site

Whatever the passwords you choose or create, this is the most important security strategy of all of you guys: Use a different password for each site if possible, if you maintain this you will be secure. Any hacker can’t hack your password. The limit of the character is up to you. If your password is compromised on different passwords for different sites, at least all your accounts are protected.

Does this article helpful for you or Do you add up any formula that you know? You are most welcome to add any idea about this article. Let us know about your comments or recommendation in comment section.

Nine Reasons Why Americans Stay At Their Jobs!! | SKS Technologies

Written By Unknown on Sep 6, 2012 | 10:07 PM

The unemployment rate of U.S. is still increasing day by day. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics Commissioner John Galvinun said that employment rate was essentially unchanged from June to July.

What’s the reason if person continue working for their employer? There would be some reason behind that. Is it for higher pay issues? Having lot of benefits? A lack of job available for them or can’t get better options rather than other companies? Those are obvious answers for this question. Especially it is for given today’s unemployment numbers and slow economy. 

But from the above, they’re not the correct ones. The top reasons that Americans not leaving their current job are”I enjoy the work I do” and it “fits well with the other areas of my life.”

It is a result of conducting new survey done by the American Psychological Association. It takes some factor in account, which contains a number of revealing insights into employee motivation & interest to corporate managers and governmental policy makers.

The APA conducted a “Workforce Retention Survey”, done by Harris Interactive in early August. They target 1,240 full- and part-time workers, age 18 or older employee. They were asked to evaluate nine common reasons for staying with a current job.

Here are nine common reasons on how their answers ranked through 1,240 respondents. It is given below: 
  • 67% respondents say that Job fits well with the other areas of life.
  • 67% respondents say that enjoy the work.
  • 59 % respondents say about payment.
  • 60% respondents say about benefits.
  • 56 % respondents say that they feel connected to the organization.
  • 51 % respondents say about their co-workers.
  • 51 % respondents say that job gives the opportunity to make a difference.
  • 40 % respondents say about their manager. 
  • 39% respondents say that there aren’t any other job opportunities for them. 
You find some Survey result which can tell you some stats. But as much as anything, most employed Americans feel confident enough about their current work situation, get benefit from jobs as much as and sometimes get financial rewards rather than other employment. 
It would be a particular interest to Mitt Romney’s & Obama’s presidential campaign. They have to change their economy also. Voters, especially unemployed voters, definitely worry about job creation and GDP growth. And perhaps not the extent that the Republicans & the democrats seem to believe.

Most of the U.S. people want being happy and enjoying their lives peacefully with their work lives. Experienced workers more than 55 are (80% of whom rank enjoying their work highest among reasons given) getting more benefits than those 18 to 34 (58% of whom enjoying their work). It’s true for female workers perspective.

There are other reasons that Romney's difficulties connecting to women voters, in those female respondents were frequently more likely than men to cite non-financial factors as major reasons for staying on the job. You might be clear with this example, 72% of women respondents cited the work-life fit where 62% of men fit like that. Similarly, 59% of women respondents cited a connection to the organization for which they worked where vs. 53% of men worked like that.

Men and women, in general, respond differently the reasons for switching their jobs. 55% of women respondents cited their co-workers as a major reason for not taking another job where 48% of men like that. Around 46% of all women say their boss is a big reason why they don’t quit their job where one in three 34% of men like that.

Obama’s presidential campaign seems to be a connection between reasons for not having left a job and the intent to stay. Most of the employees’ reported that they intent to stay their job and reported intent to leave have consistently proven their job that how strongly correlated to what they actually end up doing. 

You would be clear if you notice above survey’s top-line result, work-life balance and enjoyment have the strongest correlation with their expectations. It is the biggest drivers of employees planning to stay in their jobs the longest time of periods, which they enjoy their work and the degree to which their job fits with the rest of their live. 

The third-strongest correlation was that neither pays nor benefits also, rather than connection to the organization. Most of the HR worries about employee retention, because it is clear that one way to keep best people from jumping overboard is to make them feel more connected to the ship.

Compensation policy is obviously an important factor to any country’s economic growth. Few people will tell that they wouldn’t want more money to spend. When you ask someone about their economic motivations and concerns from a different perspective, they answer like that Americans place a very high value on something you don’t hear a lot about us. There is no wondering that so many of us like working with each other.




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